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スピーチコンテスト2008原稿を公開しました (2008/10/24)

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岩谷 貴章

Differences are interesting
-The international students and I-



薮内 千洋

The universe



辻 絵理





What is it like to be happy?







日比野 佳奈



2 年

沖 佐織

Nursing is art




My thought about Japanese people




My country and English language



田代 慶光

Ishigaki Island

日比野佳奈 “MSF”
”My thought about Japanese people”
リース・ヘンドリヤニ “Dance”
藪内千洋 “The universe”

Judge and comments
Prof. David Dykes
Prof. Eric Bray



Takaaki Iwatani
THEME : Differences are interesting -International students and I-

Now I live a happy campus life because I have many friends of international students. I learn a lot of things when I sped time with them. I think the international students are great existences for me. They are my precious friends.

Let me talk about when we became friends.
I’m the captain of the English club. Some international students have joined us since this April. We have had a lot of activities together.

I can learn different culture and many things when I am with them. I wanted to go abroad so I entered the English club. I wanted to learn the cultures of different countries. Now, I can learn the different cultures through them while I’m in Japan.

I’ll tell you about one experience.
One day, I said to a Chinese student, “I give a snack to you”. She answered, “いらない”. It means “No thank you”.
I was hurt by her sharp words because I was familiar with Japanese way. If I were she, I would have received it though I didn’t want it. Because I would consider the person’s kindness to give me a snack. But I gradually noticed she was not offensive. They just tell their feelings. I thought it was different culture and I am not hurt now. I enjoy the differences.
I told you one example but I had several experiences like this.

I am happy when I am with international students. I want to go to the other countries more than before.

Thank you.

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Chihiro Yabuuchi
THEME : The universe

Hello! My name is Chihiro Yabuuchi. I make a speech about the universe.
The start of everything is the words my science teacher said when I was a junior high school student.
"The universe is still growing larger and larger." She said . …The universe is still growing larger and larger!?
Here, I want you to have a question. "The universe is growing larger and larger", that is, there is the space for the universe growing. Where? The outside of the universe!? Then, how is the outside of the universe?
I came to think about the universe from the day. How is the edge of the growing universe?
Is it wall or gel like ameba? There are many other questions about the universe. The universe was born from nothing. Black hole links to the other world. There are creatures in Mars. Are these real?
As I have told you, I have many questions but I don't have the answers. Now, we have Internet, so we can quickly find the answers with it. My questions may be quickly resolved. But I have never tried to find the answers.
It is not because it is a troublesome work for me. Please understand me.
I think that keeping things unknown is sometimes more mysterious and attractive. This is the reason I don't want to know the answers.

Thank you.

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Eri Tsuji
THEME : Movies


  • name
  • Yokkaichi Nursing and Medical Courage student
  • watching movies なぜなら become happy only watching movies
  • Today, watching movies can become happy なぜなら we get
    SMILES TEARS GOOSE BUMPS(鳥肌) CHILLS(悪寒) LOVE and Thrills from many kind of movies


  • I think that movies make us happy
  • many kind of moviesがある 
  • For example, ACTION HORROR COMEDY LOVE story and SF movies

  • When did movies start?
  • were made by リキュール兄弟 first?inフランス in 1895
    Audience excited that tape recording of waking people and approaching train
  • This is stat of movies

  • What do you think happy means?
  • in the dictionary it says 運命 チャンス ラッキー and you are content to get desirable conditions
  • I think that what people want varies from person to person
  • For example, a man spending busy life every day がいる
    The man may repeat days with no smiling

  • movies give us SMILES ~ THRILLS about ONLY two hours

  • When I see action movies, it relieves my distress and my frustration
    … horror movies, I feel lively and fear
  • Comedy movies give us similes

  • When I see love story movies, I feel sad and love
    It gives thrills and makes our heart pound


  • As I have talked , there are many kind of movies and movies can become happy
    The man may spend days with no smiling can get smiles
    The man may spend days with no tearing can get tears

  • ONLY watching movies can become happy
    なぜなら we get SMILES TEARS GOOSE BUMPS(鳥肌) CHILLS(悪寒) LOVE and Thrills from many kind of movies

Thank you

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Nguen Dinh Son
THEME : What is it like to be happy?

People often use the word “happy”. And it is a happy word. But what is happiness? I think that meaning is different for each person. I asked some all my friends. “What is happiness for you?”
This is what they said:
The first friend said, “For me, nothing is happier than to sleep in classes. That is happiness”. The second friend said, “For me, happiness is to change the girlfriends two or three times every year. That’s my happiness!” And the third friend, she is a Japanese, said, “For me, happiness is to get a lot of birthday presents, that is happiness”.
But I think something’s different.
For the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, happiness is to go out in the morning ,then come back home again, and to see that all the family are safe and nobody had been killed by bomb. That is happiness. Or for the people in African countries where there is not enough to eat, happiness is to be able to eat again.
However, there is neither war problem or nor food problem n this country. So, what is happiness for Japanese?
For many Japanese, if you have money, have a good job, and have time to relax, that make Japanese people happy. I think many Japanese people only have feeling about the things which concern them.
So school bullying, domestic violence and child abuse or simply killing people are becoming more and more common. Japanese people are friendly and earnest and Japan is known to the world as a peaceful country.
But I have no idea what kind of face Japanese want to present to the world in the 21th century. Why do so many Japanese, children and adults, commit suicide? Is this a warning signal in a country so familiar with peace and happiness?
I’m from Vietnam where life is difficult but everybody is very friendly. In my country, the family is strong. So if you are a Vietnamese, happiness is the smiling faces in your family, and that is how I want to live.

Thank you very much.

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Lies Hendriyani
THEME : Dance

Thank you for allowing me to be here today to tell you what’s on my mind. I want to talk about dance. I want ask you, do you like dance? Well, I do have one of you doesn’t like dance, or even hate it. I like to dance, though I’m not a dancer, dancing is what I love. Speaking is not just one way to communicate. Dance! By dance, people can communicate. It makes people closer, makes audiences entertain. But the important thing is, by dancing, we can express what we feel, what’s in our mind. We can express what were struggling on our mind, on our thought, we can present it by dance.
I believe there’s always pair in this life. Just like there’re night and day, there’re men and women, there’re the youth and the older, and there’re black and white too, like just color, life doesn’t have just black and white. But there’re many other colors. There are various colors. Just like human kind of nature, they have mind, souls, thoughts which has different colors. That’s why it creates creativity, idea, imagination. By dance, we can express it. We can express everything what’s on our mind.
There are some types of dance, the traditional dance, pop dance, and even an emotional dance. But don’t make a bad thought on this. It was just an expression, a human nature expression, that makes us complete as a human. Human lives not just in flat lives. There’s wave, wave of lives. There’s up and down. There’re cheers and crying time. It was just an expression. In my country, there’s Kecak Dance from Bali island. Has one of you even heard? Did you know there’s a story and advice behind the dance? And there’s not just one story, there’re plenty of stories and there’re plenty of expressions and of course there’re different types of Kecak Dance.
What I’m going to point out is by dancing we can express everything what is going in our hearts, in our bodies and our feelings.
In this life, speaking is not enough. We need moving actions. Just like a couple, if we just chat and there’s no action, what would it be? It would be boring, it wouldn’t be nice. We need actions and moves. That’s why dance is a part of the moves. It makes dramatics, it makes romantics, it makes both emotions combine together and it makes close. That’s just one example of dance communicate advantage.
No matter what happens to you, just dance. Do it with your emotion, How is that? Would you try some?

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Kana Hibino

Hello. My name is Kana Hibino. I’m a student of nursing university.
I joined “MSF DAY 2008 in Nagoya” last week. And I was very impressed. So I will make a speech about three things.
First, people suffering from famine and wars in the world.
Second, MSF, Medecins Sans Frontieres.
Third, you can do something.
The purpose of my speech is to get you to know about the present conditions of the world. And I hope you will broaden your horizon and do what you can.

First, I will talk about what happen in the world. Here is a small measure. This is MUAC. It’s a life bracelet to check the children’s health conditions. It was made by MSF, a medical action organization. The put it on the children’s upper arms. The children are from six months to five years old. And they can find children’s conditions by the color.
Green is the good condition. Yellow is a risk of malnutrition. Malnutrition is a disease cause by lack of food. Orange is the malnutrition. Red is serious malnutrition.
Red children have to get emergent intensive care. Five million children die from malnutrition in a year. Look at this. Five million children whose arms are this small size are going to die.
What do you think about it?

There are problems of wars, famine and infectious diseases in developing countries.
Then, I want to tell you about a country in Africa, Sierra Leone, because the average life expectancy of this country is the shortest in the world. It’s thirty five years old. Besides, one of four children die before one year old. Because of terrible civil wars, fifty thousand people were killed and 2.5 million people became the refugees by 2001. 2.5 million people are half of the whole population. RUF, anti government power, did cruel things to cut people’s arms and feet off to make them afraid. RUF made boys drug addicted to lose their fear to go to battle fields as soldiers.
Now, the violent civil wars finished. But there are a lot of people who are troubled with malaria and malnutrition.
Medicins Sans Frontieres started medical cure in Sierra Leone from 1989. They treat over six hundred patients every month and deal with over twenty six thousand cases.
Well, Medicins Sans Frontieres do medical cure all over the world. What is Medicins Sans Frontieres? I will explain it.
Medicins Sans Frontieres is known as MSF. It was established in France in 1971. It’s a NPO to do medical cure in about seventy countries now.
MSF’s staffs come from all over the world and their jobs are various.
There are two categories of works in MSF, people who were concerned with medical issues and others. The former is, for example, doctors, nurses and midwives. They’re medical professionals. The latter is administrators and logisticians. The administrators work for finance and personnel management. The logisticians do a lot of things, for example, they distribute medicines, maintain the machines and work for constructions and security.
Even if you are not a medical professional, you can join MSF. When they are sent to the foreign countries, they get money every month. Of course, all medical services are free for injured people.

Third, I will tell about something you can do. You can join MSF but there are easier things.
MSF’s activities are supported by contributions from the world. MSF has a campaign, “Fifty yen in one day”.
They can buy two prevention vaccines of measles or four protective foods of malnutrition children for fifty yen.
They can buy emergent supplies for three hundred people for one thousand yen.
They can buy malaria’s medicines for five people for the three days for one thousand and five hundred yen.

I told about three things.
First, people suffering in the world. Second, Medicins Sans Frontieres. Third, you can do something.

Thank you.

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Saori Oki
THEME : Nursing is art

Everyone imagine nursing department is busy and hard. Certainly, nursing department have practice nursing and almost required subjects. We must learn knowledge and skills. So the image is correct. But why did I choose and do I keep on learning nursing that hasn’t good image? I want to talk about (1)having wide human relationships and (2)discovering new aspect of myself.

(1) having wide human relationships
Florence Nightingale said, “Nursing is art”. At first, it was hard to understand the phrase. But little by little I came to think nursing was art. Because people are the objects in nursing. There are various people; different ages, occupations, personalities, sense of values, diseases, symptoms, family constructions and finance situations. There are never the same persons. Inevitably, there are countless nursing procedures and methods. Because we must provide nursing to adapt to each of them. For meeting their needs, coming up with various ideas and nursing processes is the same as the artistic creative activity. As far as nursing can’t make perfect conditions, it is different from art. There is no end in nursing for inventing better nursing as a precision instrument. This point is difficult and it’s nursing’s charm, too.

(2)discovering new aspect of myself
We never completely understand the other persons. But we can think about the nursing for each patient individually and we need to understand the other persons. We need to consider the person as they are, and have concern for them in order to understand them. For example, not just criticizing a smoker as their responsibility, we must consider why they fell into smoking. How they think and feel about smoking? Nursing changes the more we concern for others. But when I’m concerned with a person, my knowledge, skills, experiences and view of nursing, personality, and health conditions have a great influence on the care I provide. If my knowledge becomes richer and richer, my countermeasure would be more careful and my experiences make my nursing fulfilled. So understanding the other persons is important. But I must know myself. If I understand them and myself, I know their needs, a way to satisfy their demands and my shortcomings as well. So they and I can grow up. I think to build up a new aspect of myself for patients and for me. It is like art. The more I know, the more I discover. I help them find new aspects of themselves, new knowledge, new skills, new experiences and new aspect of myself. The discoveries will never end. I know this nursing territory. So I don’t mind busyness and hardship of nursing.

I talked that nursing is appealing like art, rather than busy. Because of (1) having wide human relationships and (2) discovering a new aspect of myself.

Thank you

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Tran Thi Kim Dung
THEME : My thought about Japanese people

I want to talk about my thought when I am living in Japan. At first, I thought Japanese people were not as friendly as Vietnamese people. I thought they were unfriendly.
But, after I have lived in Japan for 2 and half a year, I realized that Japanese were not what I thought about them before.
Why did I think that Japanese were not friendly? For 2 years, when I went to Japanese school, I couldn’t make any Japanese friends. In my school, all of the students were foreigners and only my teachers were Japanese. So ,in the company where I worked for my part time job, there were many many Japanese people. Some were young, some were old. But they didn’t talk with me too much everyday except for a few greetings.
Eventually, one day, there was a young girl who started to talk with me. She asked many things about me, about my hobby, and I also asked about her. After our conversation, we could understand a little each other. And, we made an appointment to go out. At that time, I was very happy because I thought I could become friends with Japanese.
We went out for shopping, having lunch, going to a game center, watching movie…Unfortunately, we had troubles. In the game center, she explained how to play game by Japanese but I couldn’t understand her. For shopping, she took me to the shops that have only her favorite design of clothes, which were not suitable for me. And I thought we were different. And I didn’t like Japanese because I couldn’t understand what Japanese were thinking or doing.
After that, gradually our relationship became not so good as the first time. So we stopped going out together. It made me really sad and disappointed. And I think that I lost a Japanese friend because I was not good at Japanese and had not been used to Japanese custom.
I knew that there were a lot of problems between foreigners and Japanese people but I wanted to be here and I wanted to make friends with them. So, everyday I studied very hard. Sometimes I stayed all night to study Japanese. I didn’t watch TV or go out for my free time. Only studying Japanese. But I couldn’t speak Japanese well as much as I wanted. All the time, I was living with my sister’s family. They were Japanese. Everyday they spoke to me in Japanese and I just smiled back to them. I couldn’t understand them. So I thought that one of the best ways for me to study Japanese by listening to their conversation carefully and repeating their Japanese in my mind. After a long time, I could speak to them in Japanese in usual. So my Japanese became better. And Japanese school’s teacher wanted me go to university, they supported me very much and the result is that I am here, Yokkaichi University.
In Yokkaichi University, I am a member of the English Club where I can meet and talk with Japanese and they are my friends now.
I’m really happy because through talking with them, my Japanese is becoming better. Besides, they make me more confident than before because now I have Japanese friends. And when we have activities together, I really feel that they are not what I thought about them before. They are very warm-hearted, very friendly, and they talk with me naturally like I’m not a foreigner. And I feel that there are not any differences between them and me. They never seem to think that they are Japanese and I’m a foreigner. They are always unprejudiced to me and it makes me really happy. For example, one day, I had a trouble and I feel not so good, a little sad, everyday immediately noticed that and gave me an advice.
There is one friend who wrote on the blackboard, “Please be happy today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and forever. To Dung.”
I was really happy. They are very kind to me about everything.
So now I really feel that Japanese also warm-hearted and friendly. They are not what I thought about them two years ago.
I like Japanese friends, especially, my English Club’s friends.

Thank you

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Kancha Lama
THEME : My country and English language

Ladies and gentlemen,
My name is Kancha Lama. I am from south Asian country Nepal. Today my speech title is my country and “English language”.
Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia. It is bordered by the People’s Republic of China to the north and by Indian to the south, east and west. The capital Kathmandu is the largest city in the country. The Himalaya mountain range runs across Nepal’s northern and western parts, and eight of the world’s ten highest mountains, including the highest Mount Everest, are within its territory. Nepal had many small kingdoms and the modern state was formed with the Unification of Nepal by Prithvi Nepal Narayan Shah on December 21, 1768. Prior to 2006, Nepal was a kingdom. Nepal is now a federal democratic republic. Its recent history has involved struggles for democratic government with periods of direct monarchic rule.
From 1996 until 2006, Nepal suffered from a Civil War between government forces and guerrillas of the Communist Party of Nepal. On December 28, 2007, the Interim Parliament passed a bill and declared Nepal to e a Federal Democratic Republic. The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly officially implemented the declaration on May 28, 2008. Now the Nepal communist party is leading the government. Nepal is a multi-cultural, multi-linguistic and multi-religious country.
For a relatively small country, Nepal has a diverse landscape, ranging from the humid Terai plains in the south to the mountainous Himalayas in the north, which makes it a major tourist destination. I was born in the remote are of Nepal which located near the Mt. Everest. Hindu is main religion of Nepal which practiced by a huge majority of the people, but the country also has a strong Buddhist tradition. Lumbini, is the birthplace of Buddha. I found that almost historical places there are mistaken records and all of Japanese people believe that Buddha was born in India. If someone wants to visit birthplace of Buddha located in the Terai, who need visa of Nepal. And I am sure that everybody knows Buddha was born in Nepal.
Our official language is Nepali and nowadays young Nepalese use English language for communication and their daily life. The state currency is the Nepalese Rupee. Nepal’s flag is the only national flag in the world that is non-quadrilateral in shape. The blue border on the flag of Nepal signifies peace, red stands for victory in war or courage. It is also color of the rhododendron, the national flower of Nepal. While the curved moon is symbol of peace and calm nature of Nepalese, the sun represents the aggressiveness of Nepalese for development of community. And Geography of Nepal is uncommonly diverse. Nepal is roughly trapezoidal shape, 800 kilometers long and 200 kilometers (125 mi) wide, with an area of 147,181 square kilometers. Our economy, Nepal’s exports of mainly carpets, clothing, leather goods, jute goods and grain total $822 million per year like Japan, Germany, USA, Britain, China, Australia and India. Now we have great potentiality of hydro electricity’s so the multinational company are starting to investment that sector and our largest economics activities is a truism every year more than 60 countries millions of people come to see Himalaya and to climb Mount Everest, adventure trekking, like banji jumping, rafting, rock climbing, paragliding and jungle safari.
So almost Nepalese people are involve this sector so we have to good in English skills. And I have experience of trekking guide about four year. In my point of view, English language is necessary for everybody. English is most widely used in the history of our planet. One in every seven human beings can speak English. More than half of world books and three quarter of international mail are in English. Of all languages, English has the largest vocabulary perhaps it has as many as two million words on of the noblest bodies of literature. I have some interesting experiences about English so though that is crazy language there is no egg in eggplant, neither pine nor apple in pineapple and there is no ham in hamburger. English muffins were not invented in England or French fries in France sweetmeats are candy, sweetbreads which are not sweets, are meat. Boxing rings are square, guinea pigs neither a pig nor from Guinea.
First I thought its paradoxes which I am exploring. But no it is very easy to learn and easier for learner. It has only 26 characters and pronunciation is little more difficult than the other languages. I experienced the English language is ten times easier than Japanese language. There are no limitations of Chinese Kanji characters in Japanese language. English language has different grammatical pattern than the other language that is all formulated so it is very easy recall for everybody. So everybody can enjoy English, speak it in our daily lives and use it as a communication medium. So let’s enjoy English.
“Nothing is impossible for willing heart”.

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Yoshimitsu Tashiro
THEME : Ishigaki Island

Hello, my name is Yoshimitsu Tashiro.
I came from “Ishigaki Island”. It is at the end of Japan. It is in Okinawa. It is far away from here. It takes three hours by airplane from Centrea Airport.
36 years ago, a passport is needed to enter the mainland and they used American dollars. There are different words, culture and faces from the mainland. Ishigaki Island is very beautiful because it is surrounded by coral reef and many hibiscuses bloom.
Many people visit Ishigaki Island because of its beautiful nature. But the nature is being lost by development. One third of the coral was lost by several reasons. I’m very sad.

There are not so many jobs in the island so young people who are grown up in the island move to the mainland. On the contrary, many people move from the mainland because of its beautiful nature. There are not so many local young residents. The local residents want young people to come back. So they agree the construction of the big hotels tough they might destroy the nature. Because the construction makes jobs.
But the people from the mainland don’t want the constructions because they would destroy the nature. As a result, the relationship between the local residents and people from the mainland is bad.
There are many other reasons why they don’t understand each other. For example, different ways of thinking to the human relationship. One of the very complicated problem. In order to protect the nature and inform culture to the next generation, they have to understand and operate each other, or the nature will be more destroyed. I don’t want to leave it alone but I don’t know how to solve it.
I hope you to know the facts and think about how to solve it. If we can solve this problem, it is great!

Thank you.