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Short Term English House 英語で2泊3日 【ダイクス先生のコメント】

David Dykes先生からのコメント

ダイクス先生I’d never been to Ago Bay before, so I didn’t know what to expect. The scenery was very beautiful, and more extensive than I’d expected. It’s a bit unusual in this part of Japan to find such sandy soil. In some ways, the short trees and scrub, with the low sandhills and many inlets and islands reminded me of my home area in east Dorset and west Hamsphire in England. The stars were very vivid. Maybe winter is the best season for seeing them. We were lucky with the weather, missing the very cold spells justr before and after.

We had quite a unique mix of characters and talents, so that an additional programme of dance, music and yoga took off after the official programme finished. I think we were very lucky there, and I don’t imagine that personal chemistry will ever quite repeat itself. I got to know a couple of new people on the trip, but mostly I got to know known faces a bit better. It’s sad to think that several of the people who came will be leaving after March. But I hope they are off to interesting and fulfilling future careers.

Thanks, everyone, for a very enjoyable trip.